Compound #1
Lat 26 Degrees Compound #1 for boats and yachts removes heavily oxidized and damaged surfaces on paint and gelcoat. It can also be used to remove 1500 grit sanding scratches. Uniform compounding beads break down while polishing to reduce swirl marks and micro scratches. Follow with Medium Compound #2 and Fine Polish #3 to restore surface to like new condition
Best results are achieved when using an air or electric circular polisher (1000-1500 R.P.M) equipped with a White Compounding Pad. Apply product to pad or surface to be buffed. Spread product before starting machine to reduce product sling. Start machine using medium pressure while working in a two foot by two foot area. Move machine slowly back and forth keeping pad flat on the surface at all times. Reduce pressure as product begins to dry. Spur buffing pad with light pressure and rebuff surface until most of the residue is gone. Wipe remaining residue off using a clean microfiber towel.